The East Hampton Belltown Garden Club presents their annual plant sale Saturday, May 28th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the lawn of the Congregational Church in conjunction with the church's Open Air Market. Members have contributed divisions of perennials from their own gardens, from the civic projects gardens in the village center, and from Dig 'n Donate projects around town. You are sure to find some old favorites like Iris, Black-eyed Susan, and Daisies. We have plants for shade like ferns and Hostas and plants for sunny locations like Sedums and Cone Flowers. Be sure to shop early for the best selection. After noon, plants will be discounted. So, if you want a bargain be sure to stop back in the afternoon. The proceeds of this sale go to the scholarship fund for an East Hampton High School senior pursuing further education in botany, horticulture, or environmental studies.
We hope to see you at the plant sale.
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