There is a new article on CT East Hampton-Portland that mentions the garden club planting the Bradford Pear tree that once stood in the Village Center rotary or traffic triangle. The members of the garden club truly mourn the passing of the tree they planted and cared for over the years since 1974. It is not the recognition of caring for it that the club wants, but just to be included in the history of the tree that symbolized for us our mission: to promote interest and activity in all forms of gardening, to encourage education that will lead to a keener appreciation of the advantages of garden development, and when possible, to use this knowledge for the betterment of our community. The Bradford Pear blooming in the spring needed no words to express the joys of gardens and gardening!
Member Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. and National Garden Clubs Inc.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
More information on the Traffic Triangle
This article just published on
No mention of the garden club tending the tree for almost 40 years...
Article on Yellow Ribbon Ceremony
No mention of the garden club tending the tree for almost 40 years...
Article on Yellow Ribbon Ceremony
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The History of the Village Center Traffic Triangle
The traffic triangle at the intersection of Summit Street, Main Street and Barton Hill Road in the East Hampton Village Center is a special place to East Hampton Belltown Garden Club members. It was with great regret that we first viewed the loss of the Bradford Pear after the October 2011 nor'easter. It looked so different without the tree that the garden club planted in 1974. For 60 years, garden club members have tended to the garden under that tree. At first it was a garden of annuals that required constant care and watering in the growing season. In 2000, the garden club added perennials
for year-long interest and less maintenance.
The Bradford Pear (seen in full glory in the slide show on the main page of this garden club blog) was reduced to a stump when town maintenance crews had to remove the four pieces of the former tree from the traffic triangle. The ten inches of heavy, wet snow from the October storm damaged the tree beyond repair.
This is the traffic triangle planted with annuals growing beneath the Bradford Pear tree and the first stone wall in place. The traffic triangle now has a surrounding walkway with bricks inscribed with donors' names and a more permanent wall raising the garden bed. The raised bed keeps the plants from damage by winter plows and chemicals and allows the addition of manure and compost each season to maintain the soil naturally.
In October 1974, the town of East Hampton expressed appreciation of the Belltown Garden Club's civic project maintaining a garden in the traffic triangle to beautify the town.
Also from the scrapbook:
Belltown Garden Club legend has it that the Garden Club President in 2000 threatened to chain herself to the Bradford Pear tree when the State of Connecticut and/or the Town of East Hampton considered removing the tree because it had grown too large and obstructed the view of drivers using the rotary. Whether that is true in every detail is unknown, but we do know that there was talk of removing the tree and the garden club presented their permit from the State of Connecticut dated 1951 as evidence that the garden club had the right to plant and maintain the garden bed at the intersection, traffic triangle, or village center rotary.
In May of 2010 resident Josh Piteo commented on signs being placed in the traffic triangle in the village center. He also knew that the garden club had permission to plant in the area. See the minutes of the Town Council meeting here.
Recently, the Yellow Ribbon Committee, headed by resident Ann McLaughlin, has used the tree and the traffic triangle garden to honor local military personnel. See blog postings on this site from April 6th and April 29th for more details. Use the right hand column to navigate previous posts.
In a letter to the editor of the Hartford Courant dated June 15, 2011, Ann McLaughlin wrote:
thanks to the following: VFW Post 9095, VFW Ladies Auxiliary, the Memorial Day
Parade Committee, the CFW Color Guard, the CFW Auxiliary Color Guard, the East
Hampton Police Color Guard, the American Legions from East Hampton and
Marlborough, the music by Karen Johnsmeyer, the wonderful ribbon makers and the
cooperation from the East Hampton Garden Club.
Articles on the Yellow Ribbon ceremonies are available at, middletown, and as well as articles in print in the Rivereast News Bulletin.
"Of all the trees in town, it had to be that one," McLaughlin said. "I walked around and all the flags have been destroyed ... I saw a few ribbons on the ground under the leaves, but I'm sure they're all destroyed." McLaughlin, who hopes to try and salvage some of the ribbons and flags that might remain before public works cleans up the tree, remained upbeat. "You know what, I have a wonderful Yellow Ribbon Committee and those ladies will just make some more and we'll find another tree somewhere," she said.
The members of the Belltown Garden Club who haved tended to the tree and the garden beneath it as a civic project since 1951grieve the loss of that beautiful Bradford Pear. It stood in the traffic triangle (or rotary) in the East Hampton Village Center for 37 years and created a sense of pride in our community that only a living, growing thing can. We wonder what will happen to the area we haved cared for since 1951.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Holiday Dinner December 1, 2011
About ten members gathered at Gloria's home for holiday appetizers and dessert.
Lori tells stories over appetizers.
Adriana displays a package embellishment as a boutonniere.
One of the grab bag gifts "Bloom".
Another embellishment made from scraps of the civic projects materials.
Gloria, hostess, and Bonnie, Vice President, enjoy the grab bag conversation.
Judy picks a gift as Sue chooses another card--and Gloria hides her gift!
Judy displays another package embellishment--and some chocolate!
Sue displays a boutonniere.
Peggy and Judy admire a poinsettia. Whose is it?
If you missed the get together, we wish you Happy Holidays--
and hope to see you at the January meeting.
Civic Projects 2011
One of the garden club wreaths hangs over the front door to the East Hampton Public Library.
The other adorns the bell tower at the street side of the building.
Inside the library, the Village Lions Club holds its Winter Wonderland silent auction.
The garden club's entry sits among the other auction items on display this week. The reception will be held in the Community Room from 3-5 p.m. on Sunday, December 4th. Final bids will be taken at the reception. On Friday afternoon our wreath had no bids. Please support this project by bidding on our wreath or another item. All proceeds go the East Hampton Food Bank.
And don't forget to view the gazebo in the village center dressed in holiday finery!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wreath Workshop November 21, 2011
About a dozen members attended the November workshop to complete wreaths for the East Hampton Public Library and the village gazebo. Sue, Projects Coordinator, decided to learn how to make a garland for the gazebo instead of the swag we've placed there in recent years. She went to Ballek's Garden Center in East Haddam for help in learning how to do this. The process for making a garland involves small bundles wired (much like making a wreath) and wrapped with strapping cord (different from making a wreath). Look for the garland on the Summit Street side of the gazebo with adorned with bright red ribbons for the holidays.
New member, Emma, learned to make a wreath with bundles of variegated greens wired to a metal wreath frame. She was very successful with some help from Karen, President, and Ellen (not shown).
Members take a break for some pizza and conversation before finishing off the civic projects for the East Hampton Public Library.
New member, Emma, learned to make a wreath with bundles of variegated greens wired to a metal wreath frame. She was very successful with some help from Karen, President, and Ellen (not shown).
Cheryl helped make the bundles that were used to create the wreaths.
Members take a break for some pizza and conversation before finishing off the civic projects for the East Hampton Public Library.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Entry for Lions Club "Belltown Winter Wonderland"
Sue Hewes and her Projects Committee met Monday night, November 14th to create a wreath to donate to the East Hampton Village Lions Club Silent Auction. The wreath is called "It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere" and will be among the offerings on display at the East Hampton Public Library before the silent auction in early December. Nice job, Sue!
Meeting Monday, November 21, 2011
We'll be making wreaths for the East Hampton Public Library and the gazebo in the village center. Please bring lots of greenery including fir and pine branches and evergreens such as laurel and rhododenron to add variety and texture. Be sure to bring some gloves and pruners. Wire will be provided but if you are making bundles, a wire ship will be handy.
Hostesses for this meeting are Ellen (paper goods), Sue (mulled cider), Cheryl (dessert) and the club will provide pizza. Everyone should bring some boxed or canned foods for the East Hampton Food Bank.
Karen will be at the Congregational Church of East Hampton in the village center by 6 p.m. to get an early start on making bundles. Park in the lot between the church and the post office and come in the side door. Plan to come early if you can.
There was a great article in the Hartford Courant on Friday about making wreaths with photos and instructions for changing it for the New Year with herbs. It also outlines the "Artsy" part of making wreaths. I couldn't find a link to the article but you might still have the Friday newspaper to take a look at it. I'll bring a copy to the meeting.
If you haven't noticed--the Bradford Pear tree in the village center traffic triangle is gone due to the October storm. It will make our gardening there very different in the future. Karen is checking into replacement (or maybe not!) with the Town Maintenance Department. The photo is from my phone and, try as I might, I could not get it on the blog in the right orientation. I'll send the original with an email notification of this blog posting.
Hostesses for this meeting are Ellen (paper goods), Sue (mulled cider), Cheryl (dessert) and the club will provide pizza. Everyone should bring some boxed or canned foods for the East Hampton Food Bank.
Karen will be at the Congregational Church of East Hampton in the village center by 6 p.m. to get an early start on making bundles. Park in the lot between the church and the post office and come in the side door. Plan to come early if you can.
There was a great article in the Hartford Courant on Friday about making wreaths with photos and instructions for changing it for the New Year with herbs. It also outlines the "Artsy" part of making wreaths. I couldn't find a link to the article but you might still have the Friday newspaper to take a look at it. I'll bring a copy to the meeting.
If you haven't noticed--the Bradford Pear tree in the village center traffic triangle is gone due to the October storm. It will make our gardening there very different in the future. Karen is checking into replacement (or maybe not!) with the Town Maintenance Department. The photo is from my phone and, try as I might, I could not get it on the blog in the right orientation. I'll send the original with an email notification of this blog posting.
Bonnie sent this link to remind us that even though it is the end of the gardening cycle for most of us, we can still enjoy blooms in many ways. Click on "blooms"!
And one last encouragement...
This rose was still blooming yesterday.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
October 2011 Meeting
The East Hampton Belltown Garden Club
met Monday, October 24, 2011
at the East Hampton Public Library.
President Karen Gallmon began the evening with a short business meeting.
Vice President Bonnie Desaulnier and members Judy and Gloria
dressed in their Halloween black and orange.
Other members including new members Marsha (stripes),
Linda (maroon) and Kim (navy) let the pumpkins take center stage.
After the business meeting, member Judy and Projects Chairperson
Sue Hewes met to work on the Wadsworth Atheneum Festival of Trees project.
St. Nick and his sleigh will represent the Belltown Garden Club in the
Wadsworth Atheneum Festival of Trees in early December. Garden club member
Ellen is quilting a lap robe from fabric printed with national flags.
Miniature ornaments from many countries will decorate his tree.
Gloria and new member Emma prepare to make their pumpkin arrangements
after Bonnie presented a short lesson in floral design including two YouTube
segments and a learning module that can be found at
New member Kim and Hollye are set to begin their designs.
Cheryl has finished her floral arrangement
showing movement with diagonal lines and drama
with the red roses as the focal point.
Gloria explains her design principle based on a story of a drunken man.
Kim's arrangement exhibits balance and
a variety of materials in a monochromatic color theme.
New member Linda puts final touches on her design.
Everyone displayed their arrangements for judging.
Sue wonders who will win first place.
Everyone carefully considered each arrangement and placed a ticket
near the arrangement they thought best showed
the elements of good floral design.
And the winner is...
Peggy Becker's design exhibiting good proportion, asymmetrical balance,
rhythm through use of a variety of colors and diagonal movement, and
dominance with a strong focal point.
Peggy donated her design to the East Hampton Public Library.
That's what this garden club is all about: learning about gardening and plants,
meeting friends with similar interests, and bettering the community through gardening.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Meeting Monday, October 24th at 7 p.m.
The Belltown Garden Club meets Monday evening at the East Hampton Public Library. The program will include instruction on floral arranging and the opportunity to make a fresh floral arrangement in a small pumpkin. Bonnie Desaulnier has put together a short program using U-tube video and a section of a DVD on flower arranging. There also will be several books available on floral arranging. Hosts for this meeting are Ariadne Beauchamp and Bill Medeiros, Dianne Kimball, Judy Turck, and JoAnn Hewett. Please plan to attend. We hope to see you there.

Friday, September 30, 2011
Mini Plant & Crafts Sale September 2011
The Mini Plant & Crafts Sale held in conjunction with the Fall Farmers' Market in the Congregational Church parking lot was successful in raising almost $150 for the Scholarship Fund.
Members brought perennial plant divisions and house plants to sell. Many members are sewers, quilters, bakers, and papercrafters in the spare time when they are not gardening.
Members brought perennial plant divisions and house plants to sell. Many members are sewers, quilters, bakers, and papercrafters in the spare time when they are not gardening.
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Ellen and Donna hang dried hydrangea. |
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Bonnie and Donna set up the raffle and some items for sale at the Fall Market. |
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