Friday, June 1, 2012

A Note from Hollye

Hollye Thomas, Plant Sale Chairperson, wants the garden club to know that the plant sale made about half the amount she had set as her goal.  While it was a successful plant sale in terms of volunteer help and donations, the attendance at the Spring Market seemed to be down this year. Some people thought that the fair at Haddam Neck the same day may have cut into participation and our profits.

This note is from Hollye--ever hopeful to increase the amount she can claim the Plant Sale generated:

I have some information from sale to share.  We had some of the community who either came late and/or didn’t find what they wanted.  I have a list so that if any members have these items, they should dig it up and call me so I can arrange pick up and get some more $$ for our coffers. Also, I got a list of names of people who want us to come and dig now or in fall.  Will be looking for people with availability times/dates now and I will worry about fall stuff when it gets closer.

Plants wanted-Does any member have more to share??

Sedum-didn’t specify, so if anyone is still dividing etc, I will take it all just in case (with exception of that creeping sedum that has a yellow flower-I have so much of that I could cover Blueberry Island with it).

Horseradish Root

Yellow Japanese or Swamp Iris

Can you help me get the word out?

The Digs will be for snowball bush, hibiscus, sun drops, spiderwort, iris and lilies…..but only if we know they AREN’T ORANGE!!!

Everyone should keep their eye out at their neighbor’s yard.  We can use some new items never before sold for next year’s sale.

Thanks, Hollye

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